today is holiday! today is sleeping day. hehe
emm, syima n me still at bandar tasik selatan, still at azwa's house. n this is for sure da las day we menumpang. alhamdulilllah :). tomorrow we will move to kg baru. our rent room. syiokk~ its toooo hard to find this house. we almost give up, but 'usaha tangga kejayaan!' so we keep finding, in this new place n new world, only with the lrt. go here n there. cal he n she. then, finally, got it! this is the best. the houses before that we had cal was all weird. have to stay with indon la, share with couples la. hoh? kl is like impossible can be possible. we learn sooo many things on this room findings mission. hehe. many of this classmates were helping us soo much. asal nmpak kitorang ja "dah dapat umah??" "ambik la no ni, ni no bilik sewa" "dah tanya makcik saya, nanti makcik saya tolong carikan" how touching we are. the old of frenship doesnt means how good the relationship are. but their willing to help us in hard time is the indicator how a good friend they are. this is amazing because its juz 3 days we know each other. a good starter i think!
however, deepest in my heart, i reallyy upset because the one that i hope, my old frens, my best fren since zaman sekolah didn't show herself at all. maybe she is busy with her things or wuteva, but i hope juz her sms to make me calm down in this new world. i neva b here for myself. but its okay, with this, actualy we learn sumting. now, we can bediri atas kaki sendiri. n this is the hikmah that we get. :)
moral of the story : saat kita susah, kita sebenarnya sedang buat eksperimen sapa kawan kita :)
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